Magnolia Computer Consultants are synonyms for quality, on-time and to-cost delivery for you our clients. We pride ourselves in our expertise in the monitoring and control of project execution, so that our final deliverable is ultimate client satisfaction.

black and white laptop computer keyboard
black and white laptop computer keyboard


How to contract our services

Contact us



Negotiating terms


Unrivalled expertise

We are here to help you find the perfect professional service for your project. Depending on your needs, we will subgest the best service and book you in for a discussion.

Once we've agreed the service and are ready to go, we will negotiate the best terms and conditions to suit your requirements and budget needs.

We don't play around – that means that our confident approach and expertise in managing your projects will results in on-time and to-cost delivery of your project.

a helicopter that is flying over a mountain
a helicopter that is flying over a mountain
Portfolio Manager Services

Magnolia Computer Consultants have provided Senior Portfolio Manager Services to manage product sales for a specific customer of a global defence client with presence in both the UK and the US.

a Typhoon jet fighter
a Typhoon jet fighter
Programme Manager Services

Magnolia Computer Consults provided Programme Management Services to an international client to manage the development of their Typhoon Airborne Mission Planning Aid used by several air forces.

a close up of a mission computer in the desert
a close up of a mission computer in the desert
Product Development Manager Services

Magnolia Computer Consultants provided both Programme Manager Services and Product Development Manager Services to an international hardware defence company to manage their Versatile Mission Computer design and development and the design and development of their PMC-E901 Audio card.

Software Development Manager Services
men around a Tornado fighter jet
men around a Tornado fighter jet

Magnolia Computer Consultants were a trusted partner to a major UK research organisation supplying Embedded System Services, Embedded Software Services and Software Development Manager Services over a substantial period of time.

Client feedback

Garry Winthrop, Hewlett-Packard
a white sunflower with a black background
a white sunflower with a black background
a white sunflower with a black background
a white sunflower with a black background
Martin Gurney, QinetiQ

Magnolia Computer Consultants is a very capable, focused and determined programme and project management specialist who can be relied upon to deliver complex and challenging projects. In this role Magnolia Computer Consultants’ Programme Manager managed over 100 mixed skill technical staff, delivering a major technical upgrade. Because of his technical background, Magnolia brings strong technical leadership and understanding to projects they manage which enables them to make sound decisions.

Magnolia Computer Consultants has worked for QinetiQ on multiple high valued and high profile projects and has been central to the delivery of embedded software as part of defence research programmes. Their professionalism and detailed understanding of the embedded systems has been key to successful project milestones whilst working under extremely tight schedules with complex problems to solve.

Contact us

If you're interested in hearing more about the way we work, have a business need, or are interested in hiring a professional, we'd love to hear from you.